Exercise has been found to be an elixir to life in so many ways – from forestalling Alzheimer’s Disease to curtailing Metabolic Syndrome - but how much exercise?
The widely-used maximum heart rate formula is now coming under question. This formula, 220 minus your age, as governing your maximum rate per minute, has been refined in a series of studies.
The formulae proposed as a result of the studies varies slightly, depending on whether you are young, medium or old. And, of course, any exercising heart rate under that maximum still gives you exercise benefits.
The new proposed maximum heart rate for “medium-aged” people is 211 minus 64% of your age. The old formula would put a maximum heart rate for a 40 year old at 180 beats per minute. The new proposed formula would put it at 185.
The new proposed rate for children and adolescents is 208 minus 70% of age. That puts the older rate for a 10 year old at 210, and 201 at the new rate.
The new proposed rate for older adults is 207 minus 70% of age, so for a 70 year old, the rate under the old formula would be 150, and under the new rate, 158.